independent blog post

Some reactions to the plot can be surprising because Artyom wanders into danger and is practically a wasteland everywhere you look. Moving on Artyom is one of the most beloved characters because of his stoicism and how he doesn’t wince at danger but just walks through death like it was a normal day. a quote that is very interesting that Artyom had said during a line was “Even the apocalypse didn’t stop us from killing one another over ideology.” One of the big ideas is that they have turned on each other in groups to survive against the mutated creatures and the other factions within the metro they have returned to the primitive ways but with more of a modern twist and fanaticism and other forms of old-time communism.I wonder what is next for Artyom after he finds what he is looking for.I predict that Artyom is going to find out that what he wanted will make him disappointed or unsatisfied and create several colonies. Moving on The authors’ style of writing is great it makes the reader keep reading and stay intrigued.

3 thoughts on “independent blog post

  1. Your post does a great job describing the book without spoiling it at all, it makes me want to read the book. I think that you should spread out your ideas next time as your single paragraph clumps it all into one big lump of words that don’t delve very deep into the topics you describe. Its hard to think about something in your post when it keeps jumping around between subjects.

  2. It sounds like an interesting book. I wish you would have explained it more so then we could read more about it. I think next time you should put more of your own words and describe what goes on a little bit more. Other than that I like how you set it up and how everything flows nicely.

  3. Why do they turn on each other? Just to survive? I would have tried to make an alliance with the people and yeah, that’s just me.

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